The Dragon Nest
Here, you can hatch your first dragon, or if you already have one, purchase another dragon.
There are five different colour nests you can choose from; red, white, blue, green or yellow. Consult the
Dragon Index to see what dragons are in each nest, then pick the nest to have your dragon hatched from.
There are four different ways of hatching a dragon. All methods choose dragons randomly from their respective nest.
You are a new member, and want your first dragon!All you have to do is pick the colour nest and your dragon will be hatched right away.
The resulting dragon is free!
Pick a nest, pay for the dragon.This is the most commonly used method, and is used conventionally to hatch most dragons. This method applies so long as the dragon is not your first.
You must have a minimum of 15k to attempt a hatching due to variable dragon costs, although this only represents the most you could pay; what you actually end up paying is likely to be less than this.
Completely RandomYou will need a minimum of 14k gold to do this. All you have to do is post ‘go random’, and your dragon will be hatched. This dragon could come from any nest, and will cost you 1k less in gold to hatch the dragon than the normal price.
Medal NestIf you've won any medal from a medal event, you can request to hatch from the medal nest. This will cost you no gold- but it will cost you your medal. In return, you will earn yourself a ‘special’ dragon; a hedgehog, spined shadow, sunblaze, tribal battle-blood or yiang dragons.
Alternatively, you can just trade in your medal for gold if you wish to do that instead.