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 Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn

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Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Empty
PostSubject: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 11:50 pm

Setting: On the river by V5 Tarz. The Time is about midnight when everyone should be asleep.

Nicolett looked back at her ship one last time. "I swear to Davey Jones if those sea rats of a crew mess up me ship, I'll strap each one to the anchers by their boot straps and feed 'em to any beast in the sea so willing to take 'em." He anger and distrust grew as she walked farther away from her beloved ship and more towards the target of the raid. A Small village known as Tarz. The reason of this pillage, simple. It was the wealthest village around this forsaken Dragon's Cove. Nicolett was about to add more to her rant when a black paw with sharp claws landed on her shoulder.

"They be not that stupid Nikki," the hushed voice of Amaracuine spoke besides her. The Shade Runner Dragon, or rather the first mate, was the only other creature aloud to travel with Nicolett when she went personally for a raid. They weren't running low on anything, and that included money, but still. Nicolett had a strong desire to set places a glow with fire.

"Fine," she growled in responce to her dragon, and the fact that they were close to the village. "Lets have us some fun."
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 1:06 am

Temero lurked in the streets of the city, rather regretting his decision to enter it. The yellow wolf dragon had been stepped on no fewer than three times, and bumped into countless more. Honestly, people just did not pay attention nowadays. So, now he was trying to find a way to get out, but being as short as he was, the dragon was rather hopelessly lost.

Of course, being a dragon he /could/ fly up and simply leave the city that way, but what was the fun of that? And besides, he was torn between leaving and finding a nice dark corner to spend the night in. He really did not want to sleep in a tree for another night if there was a more comfortable place. It was then that someone slammed directly into him, and with enough force that they both tumbled over and the person ended up with a mouthful of dirt.

Needless to say Arcania was not pleased by this turn of events, and neither, particularly, was Temero. "Get off me!" he snarled, pushing up off the ground and throwing her the rest of the way off of him.
"Hey!" the woman cried, getting up and brushing the dust off of her plain brown shirt and black pants. "You ran into me!"
"Hardly," Temero scoffed, shuffling his wings. "I believe it was the other way around." Arcania glared at him, taking her auburn hair out of her ponytail and fixing it before putting it back.
"You should apologize," she commented.
"I believe you should," Temero growled. And so they stood there, each waiting for the other to apologize first.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 1:38 am

Nicolett and Amaraciune entered the outskirts of the village silently. They wove through side streets quietly, getting a feel for what was around them. After they'd moved somewhat around the entire small village, Nicolett turned to Amaraciune. "Ye be ready, mate?" she asked in less than a whisper. The dragon's responce was a nod and a disappearance from sight in the pitch black night around them.

Amaraciune moved more quickly alone, and with his slight cloaking ability he was able to move through more open places in the dark. He was to check to see if anyone was out, and where exactly the goods were kept. Seeing as most places would keep some things in places easy to plunder. That was the hope these two had anyways. Amaraciune could check to see if doors or windows were locked without fear of being seen or heard, and Nicolett respected her first mate for that skill. After all, he'd been more than enough help on her Furner. Much more than those Sprogs she called a crew.

After a minute Amaraciune returned and motioned for Nicolett to follow. She did so and they entered one of the buildings which Amaraciune had found the door unlocked. Plundering anything of value, they headed back outside, and repeated the measure to other buildings silently. They were on their fifth when Amaraciune stopped suddenly and turned towards an ally to their left. "Avast," he whispered softly. "T' t' port thar be noise, people perhaps." He swung his head towards the sound listening to those in the ally.

Nicolett swore under her breath. "Smartly mate," she said softly on her breath. "see what's over thar." Amaraciune nodded and disappeared into the shadows once more. He walked on silent paws into the opening off the ally and cocked his head as his eyes looked apon the human girl and the wolf dragon. He held back a snarl as he watched the two.
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Things that I am :
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 1:44 am

"Well?" Arcania asked, beginning to tap her right foot.
"Well what?" Temero replied coolly, tapping his tail in a rhythm to match her foot. Arcania suppressed a snarl, though she could not resist glaring at him. The wolf dragon paid her no mind. "I can stand here all night, and all of tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next-"
"Okay!" Arcania shrieked, cutting him off. She usually was not one to lose her temper, instead finding ways to make things work in her favor and handle people in order to make that happen. However, that did not seem to be working for her tonight. Perhaps it was because she was so tired, or because she could still taste dust, but she was too angry and unsettled to think clearly.

Okay girl, calm down, she told herself, taking a deep breath, figure out a way to make this his fault. In all honesty, she knew that it was hers, but under no circumstances was she going to admit it!
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 2:20 am

Amaraciune rolled his eyes as he listened to their scabbling. He was half tempted to tell them both to shut up, but decided against it and instead turned around. His three tails twitched in annoyance as he walked back to Nicolett, becoming visable again when he was out of those two in the allys' sight. When he reached Nicolett's side she was picking the lock of a very fancy looking building, one which she assumed would have great treasure inside.

"What did ye find?" she asked as the lock slicked softly and the door swung open. She twirled the butterfly knife back to closed and put it away. "Anything of interest mate?" She entered the building and smiled as she pulled jews out of cases and collected them into the sack that she had. She then went and found where they kept the money in this business and pocketed it into her bag. Only after she'd collected anything of value did she turn her attention to her dragon.

Amaraciune shrugged softly. "A beauty human and wolf dragon be scabbling in thar ally over yonder," he said. He twitched his ears in the direction he'd indicated. He followed Nicolett as she left the building and closed the door. He was honestly half surprised she hadn't set the town a blaze yet. "T' be of interest?" he asked.

Nicolett sighed and shrugged. "Perhaps, come Mate. We may have luck in the stars tonight."

"Cap'n," he replied gruffly.

With that, she let Amaraciune led her back to the ally where he'd heard the two of them talking. Nicolett almost looked unhappy at actually talking to someone who wasn't a Sprog on her Furner. Still she was half interested to see if maybe pillaging the female's pocket was an option. After all, anything was possible to the pirate captain.
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Things that I am :
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 2:28 am

"Honestly, just apologize!" Arcania exploded, incredibly frustrated with the entire episode. Temero shook his head slightly but, because, despite his words, he did not really want to stay in that spot all night he sighed and nodded.
"Very well," he agreed. "I apologize for being in a place where you could trip over me." Arcania gaped at him for a moment, knowing that she had been outdone, but then grinned suddenly.
"Very good," she murmured. "It is not everyday that I find someone to match me, let alone best me." Not that I am running on all gears at the moment, she added mentally, knowing just how tired she was. Temero said nothing, hoping that she would let him go on his way now that he had settled things. "Then I apologize for not watching where I was going," Arcania finished, though the apology rankled. She was never one to say she was sorry, she found a way to blame things on other people. So getting an apology from her certainly was something, though the wolf dragon would not know that.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 7:48 pm

Nicolett was getting really bored as she listened to there conversation. Her hand was hovering over the hilt of her three swords, ready to grab the one she used in her right hand if need be. Funny thing however. Not one of them seemed to notice that her and her first mate were standing around the corner. Amaracuine looked at Nicolett and cocked his head. Nicolett nodded and the two of them stepped out, her boots silent and his paws silent on the cobble street roads.

Nicolett clapped softly as she stepped into the enterance of the ally. "Jolly good mates," she said with a smile. Her hand returned to hovering over her sword hilts when she finished. "What a fine show ye put on thar." Amaraciune stood behind Nicolett, the jolly roger bandana over his head showing off where the acsent came from. He however remained silent. "So what are ye doing out on a fine night like this?" she asked easily. The small wind blew the feather in her hair gently.
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Things that I am :
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 6:01 pm

Temero and Arcania both switched their focus to the newcomers, their eyes narrowing in almost identical expressions of distrust and wariness. "What business is it of yours?" Arcania asked, putting her hands on her hips with a slightly defiant look in her eyes. She may have let the wolf dragon push her around, but not this person, oh no.
"While I do agree with the lady I was just on my way out," Temero replied, as though he were about to turn and leave. However he did not feel right about leaving Arcania to fend for herself when he did not know who this person was, and clearly she did not either. Not to mention the fact that there was a dragon with the woman, and that would effectively make it two against one. No, better for him to stay until he figured out what was going on. And this is why I stay away from cities, he thought, his tail swishing from side to side impatiently.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 8:32 pm

Amaraciune's eyes narrowed as the female spoke in her harsh tone. The distrust the dragon had excepted, however the harshness instead of a bit of fear? That was a new reaction to his captain. A different one too. He didn't like it. The fur along the back of his neck and back rose threateningly. His eyes were locked on the wolf dragon, but he kept doing swift sideways glances over to the girl. He was wondering if this would turn into a fight, and if it did he knew his captain could handle herself, and that he could handle himself so long as it was this dark outside. The sun wouldn't be raising for hours. That gave him an advantage in the long run.

Nicolett smiled simply at the female's harsh tone. She really found it funny to see a human stand up to her. Her hand moved off the hilts of her swords and the chain on the katana she keeps in her mouth jingled. The sound was soft, yet it seemed to fill the quiet open air. The only disturbance other than the soft wind. "My my, what a mouth on ye beauty," she said with a soft giggle. She sighed melodramaticly and in a sweeping movement her hand pulled the captain's hat off her head, and she bowed. "Me name's Cap'n Nicolett of thee Flamin' Seas," she said returning the hat to her head. "Me beauty ye seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."
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Things that I am :
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 8:40 pm

Arcania waited a few beats before she too bowed. "Arcania Hashine," she said matter of factly. She was not entirely sure what to make of the pair, and neither was Temero if he cared to admit it to himself, but she knew that she needed to be wary seeing as she was mostly unarmed. The few knives she had tucked into her clothing would do her little good she sensed. At least the dragon beside her had built in weaponry.

However, she was not one to back down or show fear, so she could, and would, fight to the very last if need be. Which, judging by the woman's last words, was a very likely option. "What are you talking about?" she asked, straightening. Temero dipped his head slightly in a gesture of greeting, not deference as many assumed. No, Temero deferred to no one.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 9:13 pm

Nicolett smiled sharply. "Ye, me beauty, happen to be in the middle of a pilage." She kept silent after that, letting her words sink in. She was looking for a reaction, and in the mean time she jingled the bag of jews and money she'd managed to, come across, in the town. After she was sure she got her point across, she put the bag back away and instead drew out flint. "Thar be easy ways to lite, if ye know what I mean," she added lightly. But the flash of red in her eyes was evident and so was her intention.

Amaraciune seemed unhappy that he was the only one who had yet to do a greating. Reluctantly, the shade runner bowed like his Cap'n. He however never took his eyes off either of the two of them. His distrust was evident in his posture, the look in his eyes, and the fur on his body. He seemed ready to pouce at any moment. Yet, at the same time, he seemed relaxed and laid back. This was one quality that Nicolett relied on. No one was sure what exactly sure what her Sahde Runner had up his sleeve, so to speak.
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Things that I am :
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 11:00 pm

"Hmm," Arcania said. "Seems to me like we decided to have an argument at the wrong time. Well, sadly, we really have no where else to go." Temero appeared bored on the outside, but inside he was wary, waiting for whatever would happen. In truth, he was certain they were not going to be able to leave the alley without a fight.
"I certainly do not have any money," he replied, his voice a deep rumble. "And I doubt that Arcania does." The woman glared at him but it was true, she did not have any. In fact, she had not for some time now. It was beginning to become a real problem, but at least it might save her now. If the other woman believed Temero that was.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeWed Oct 05, 2011 2:36 am

Nicolett seemed dispointed by this news, yet she didn't show it. Still it seemed these two were more wary than willing to fight her on her intents, so instead she sighed. "Well, me hartys," she started as the ran the flint pieces through her hands, sparks dancing off them. "I'd suggest ye leave dis town. Else ye go up in flames." With that, Nicolett turned her backl on the pair and looked out at the sleeping town. She almost felt remorse for the lives she was about to destroy. Almost, but not. She started to walk towards the middle building, the one she'd found many things that would light. It'd been dry here lately, that made it all the better. This village would go up like a piece of straw.

Amaraciune didn't follow her, instead her stepped off to the side and waited to see if these people would leave or try to stop his captain. The later he wouldn't allow. It was up to them now. How much of a do gooder were these two? Enough to save the lives of at least 10 people from a death of a blaze? He certainly hoped not. He's hate to see his captain unhappy. Especially when he knew her much more than any of those liver hearted crew members. "Aye, listen to thy words of me Cap'n, if ye wanna live land loobers."
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 1:20 am

Temero snarled, his tail lashing from side to side. Though he preferred to be left alone, he was not one to sit idly by and watch people get hurt. "Never," he growled, throwing his head back and roaring a warning to the night sky.

Arcania flicked her wrist down sharply and the heavy hilt of a knife slid into it. She made no other move, not wanting to start a fight, but she was not going to let innocent people die. If need be she could get out quickly, simply by shifting into a hawk or a wolf, but she doubted any of the people in the town were shapeshifters like her. And she had never liked using her powers anyway.

Readying her stance, Arcania watched both woman and dragon, ready for an attack that she was certain would come from either or both directions. Especially now that Temero was trying to wake the town.

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 5:10 pm

Nicolett paused as the wolf dragon threw back his head and started to howl. She didn't have to say anything, instead she turned back around to face the pair, female and dragon. Her eyes flashed yellow cat eyes in the darkness, her lips drew back in a demonic snarl, sharp shark teeth instead of normal human ones. Amaraciune disappeared into the shadows before the two and darted forwards, his goal was to break the dragon's concentration on the howl before it rose to many people. In order to do this, he was aiming to ram his body into the dragon and try to topple him over.

Nicolett paced back towards the ally, her hands on the hilts of her swords, her eyes glittering with anger and frustration. So it was a fight they wanted then? Fine, she'd give one to them. Something was going on fire tonight. Be it house, person, or dragon. She didn't care. Something was going to burn, and she'd make sure of that. Yet, she hadn't pulled her swords from their hilts. She wasn't going to make the first move. She'd learned that by now.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 7:47 pm

Arcania growled quietly, noticing that the woman's companion had vanished. There was little doubt in her mind what his target was. Which was why she did not move away from the wolf dragon. Instead she stepped in front of him, ready for a strike she was certain was coming. Her skin was crawling, almost literally, and she could feel a wanting to shift. Into which form she was not sure yet, though she doubted her hawk form would do much good in her current situation. No, she was going to have to remain human and wait, more than a little impatiently.

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 10:15 pm

Amaraciune snarled silently to himself as he threw all the speed on he could. His body completely melded with the shadows of the night sky. He threw himself forwards. Fine, if the human wanted to be in the way, he'd take her with him. He leapt forward, claws scaping the ground off to the female's left as he threw himself right and into the female, and then almost certainly into the wolf dragon. That was, if this would work.

In the mean time, Nicolett stood there calmly, her hands still on the hilts of her swords. She would wait and see if Amaraciune could handle this. In the mean time though. She let go of her sword hilts and rubbed the flint together. Sparks started to light up the area in front of her as they vanished shortly after she made them.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 12:41 am

Arcania cried out in pain as the dragon struck her, indeed throwing her into Temero whose howl was cut off with a sharp yelp. The wolf dragon shoved Arcania off of him and spread his wings, launching himself haphazardly into the air. His claws skimmed the road and small sparks flared up, shining brilliantly before vanishing into the night. Temero pumped his wings furiously, struggling for altitude because of his clumsy take off.

Arcania was also struggling to get to her feet. The woman, for all her talk, was not much of a fighter, and that made things difficult for her. She generally tried to talk her way out of things, but now that was going to be impossible. Still, she hauled herself up, looking around warily, ready to give it her best shot.

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 12:54 am

Amaraciune took off after the wolf dragon after watching his clumsy take off. He wasn't sure what the dragon had in mind, but in the shadows he would be able to follow without being seen. His furred feet made him steps almost silent, except at his high speeds his nails scrapped the ground almost inaudiblely. He was a shade runner, it would be easy to keep up with the wolf dragon, the problem was that he wasn't sure what to do if he had to do anything to the dragon. It made it a little more difficult in the long run. Oh well. He'd play it out.

Nicolett on the other hand still stood there calmly, her eyes still bright cat eyes instead of the calm green that her ship mates were used to. And her first mate at that. He'd only seen her demon eyes once before. "So," she said creating more sparks with the flint that vanished just inches before the ground. "What will ye do me beauty?" she asked. She had a cold sneer on her face as she looked at the human girl. She was currious to see how this would play out. One more spark hit the corner of a house and smoke rose for a few seconds before dying off. Nicolett meant business, and she wanted the girl to know that.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 1:25 am

Temero finally got wind underneath his wings and lifted off the ground, screeching his warning again as he began to climb, his tail twitching to keep him from losing his airstream. He had no doubt that one of the pair would follow him, but he was determined to try to raise the alarm before he was dragged from the sky.

Arcania's lips pulled back into a snarl, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the handle of her knife more tightly. She really had no idea what to do. After all, she did not have the weapons to take the woman on in a traditional fight, and she also doubted that she had the strength to do so either. There were a few tricks up her sleeve, but she did not want to use them unless she had to. "Depends on how far you push me," she replied, which was completely true.

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 3:12 am

Amaraciune could guess what the wolf dragon had up his sleeve. He looked around before finding the path of least resistance. Leaping up onto a small cart stand, he swiftly leapt onto the top of the nearest roof, and thanked the sea gods that they were close enough together where it was easy enough for him to keep under the wolf dragon. He moved steathily and swiftly, just waiting for the wolf dragon to open it's jaws again so he could spring out at it.

Nicolett grinned and sent more sparks, all of which creating small pillers of smoke before extinguishing. She enjoyed this little game. Neither one of them was inclinded to make a move until the other did. How fun. She cocked her head to the girl. "Push you matey? Me? Never." She ginned sharp teeth.
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Things that I am :
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  • DDC Dingo
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2011 12:37 am

Temero pumped his wings hard, managing to stay in his newfound air current and get some lift over the village. However he could not tell if people were heeding his warning or not. Indeed, there seemed to be no signs of life at all, though he knew there must be humans in the houses. Wake up, wake up, wake up, he begged in his mind, not having the patience for this.

Arcania bared her teeth in a feral grin, her fingers tightening around the hilt of her knife. She knew that she had absolutely no chance of striking the captain with it even if she threw it, so she was essentially stuck. Shifting would do her little good as well, for her hawk form was not powerful enough for her to do anything. "We seem to have reached an impasse," she commented.

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  • SR Salamander
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Location : In the meadow with the Cherry Blossom and the Willow Tree. ^^

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2011 1:02 am

Nicolett grinned with her sharp fanged teeth. This girl was clearly misjudging the situation. It was easy for her to make any move she wanted, even if it meant to get involved. Still, this girl offered her no trouble yet, so she saw no reason for this stand off to continue. She put on a delightfully wicked smile and looked the girl over with a false pleasantry meant to make the girl's skin crawl with unease. "Me little beauty, ye misjudge this situation. Ye be overlookin' two teeny little facts o' dis matter. One, mate, be that I have the flint, and two be that ye have possed no threat to me." With that, Nicolett would turn her back on the girl and clicking the two stones together produced three sparks. Each one would then hit a corner of one of the two buildings and starting a small fire this time. Nicolett would then turn back to the girl and smile delightfully once more. "Yo ho, yo ho, A pirate's life for me," she'd say wickedly.

Amaraciune was bored of waiting as he threw on his speed quickly. He sped up past the wolf dragon and leapt from the tops of the roof tops. His aim was to grip onto the wolf dragon's wing with his front claws. He would be, hopefully, able to grip the dragon's wing and tear him from the sky by using little more than his own weight. However, if he were to miss, he'd still be able to land on his feet. He was hoping that with the night sky still on his side, his cloaking would offer him an easy way to latch onto the dragon's wing. However, if the dragon were to make a turn, or change his rout, this would prove a problem for Amaraciune, who would then land on his feet and race after the dragon once more.
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Things that I am :
  • ME Meercat
  • DDC Dingo
  • Dragon Hoarder
  • Gold Hoarder
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  • Chatbox Spammer
  • Really Too Kind

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Join date : 2011-09-16
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2011 7:23 pm

Arcania hissed, throwing her dagger at the woman. As she did so she leaped into the air, changing into her hawk form as she went. Sailing past the woman towards the houses she began to beat at the small fire with her wings in an attempt to put it out. Her feathers were getting singed and the scent assaulted her nose but she refused to give up. Not, at least, until some of the people figured out what was going on and obliged to leave their houses.

Something did not seem exactly right to Temero, but he was not sure what it was. Having little other choice he continued to fly, screeching a warning as loudly as he could. Shouldn't people be waking by now, he wondered, looking down at the streets below. It was highly odd that no one had even stirred or looked out their window. Was a screaming dragon an everyday occurrence in this little place? It was frustrating to say the least. This was why Temero stayed away from people. They were simply too difficult.

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Experienced Roleplayer

Things that I am :
  • ME Meercat
  • SR Salamander
  • DDC Dingo

Female Loveliness : 8
Join date : 2009-03-22
Age : 30
Location : In the meadow with the Cherry Blossom and the Willow Tree. ^^

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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitimeSun Oct 16, 2011 8:35 pm

Nicolett watched the girl as she threw the dagger. The pirate yawned boredly and side stepped the thing, using some of the speed her demon half offered her. She ducked as the girl flew by as a bird, and she shook her head. "Not going to be so easy," she mused to the girl. Not entirely sure if the girl would be able to hear her. She clicked the flint together once more producing more sparks farther into the ally to light the houses from there. She was getting agitated form the wolf dragon's screams. A few lights in houses were starting to go on. Amaraciune needed to shut that thing up now.

Amaraciune's front paws caught dragon wing as the beast flew the path the shade runner had been hoping for. He kicked his feet down, using his body mass to drag the dragon from the air. Once his feet hit the ground, he moved quickly to scramble up the dragon's back and neck, his cloak undone in the light from the few houses, and the fact it would be stupid to keep using it when he was clearly on the dragon's back, and his presance was clearly know. The shade runner would then attempt to crawl up the wolf dragon's neck, claws digging into scales for any form of grip. If Amaraciune would be able to hold on tight enough and make it to the dragon's mouth, two paws would try to close the dragon's mouth and pull it's head towards it's neck. "Shut up or I'll keelhaul you!" Amaraciune snarled.
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PostSubject: Re: Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn   Spirit and Tegan: Playing popcorn Icon_minitime

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